Dr. Gagan Deep Chhabra is a very well known Nephrologist with experience of 19+ years.
Dr. Gagan Deep Chhabra has done his specialization in Interventional Nephrology and deals with critical cases of Nephrology.
Dr. Gagan Deep Chhabra specializes in Kidney Transplant (ABO Incompatible, Highly Sensitized, and Cadaveric), Interventional Nephrology (AV Fistula, AV Shunt, and Perm-Cath Insertion), Peritoneal Dialysis (Continuous, Intermittent, and APD), and Critical Care Nephrology (CRRT, SLED, and Immunoadsorption).
Dr. Gagan Deep Chhabra’s sincere and dedicated services fetched him several awards including AITSE award, given by the President of India, in 1993, Best Mini-Oral Presentation Award at Indian Society of Organ Transplant (ISOT), IN 2012, and the Award of Excellence at ISOT in 2014.
Dr. Gagan Deep Chhabra regularly attends workshops and conferences.
Dr. Gagan Deep Chhabra has the membership of several prestigious associations like: Indian Society of Nephrology, Indian Society of Organ Transplantation and Delhi Nephrology Society.
Dr. Gagan Deep Chhabra is regularly engaged in research work and has several publications to his credit in ISOT, ISN and British Journal.
Kidney Transplant (ABO Incompatible, Highly Sensitized and Cadaveric),
Interventional Nephrology (AV Fistula, AV Shunt and Perm- Cath Insertion),
Peritoneal Dialysis (Continuous, Intermittent and APD),
Critical Care Nephrology (CRRT, SLED, and Immunoadsorption)
List of Treatments:
Renal Angiogram
Nephropathy Treatment
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease
DNB, Ganga Ram Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research (GRIPGMER), New Delhi